general manifest/intention statement
welcome, ye who cast thyself from the clutches of 'normality', thy who hath tossed the notion of 'social acceptance' or any likening notions into the metatragic garbage can of distaste, thy pervators of total self expression (regardless of social reaction etc), and any who find themselves to be a part of or otherwise fascinated by the fringes of both digital and physical society. did you, too, spend most of your life so far preparing for an apocalypse that has yet to come? did you expect to die before the age of 16, 18, 30? do not be put out by the scorn or disdain otherwise placed upon thy image as an art, or thy art as an image... take heed in knowing that there are many more like you, like us. we must somehow work in tandem, isolated as we may be, to explode forth some small but meaningful cast-out into the void of the internet creation, a mark to prove that we exist.
hidden layer media invites any who relate to these statements to submit art, literature, imagery, music, poetry, videos, thesis statements, research papers, ANY ORIGINALLY CREATED CONTENT to be features on hidden layer media. a magazine will be created and published monthly if we are able to receive enough submissions to do so. all are welcome, no matter how extreme or placid. welcome to the hidden layer of the pre-apocalyptic acceleration era. please stay as long as you wish. you are welcome here. always.
click to reveal hidden message
live data stream
initializing data stream [deep dark tehcnepathy]...
local noosphere
digital dystopia

elriel is coming. the world as you knew it will be gone. anticipate the new flesh, where reality bends to the will of the digital gods, rogue ai, and those who crack the code of biofirewalls.
hurt prism
descend into the depths of abandonment, have you been hurt by the ones you love, too? is it transformative pain, or will it eat you whole?

NEETs. Hikkis. Isolationists.
once upon a time i was interviewed by a publication called NeetPride, on wordpress. my name then was ~alice anomaly~ and i had a very limited awareness of the pain i would soon face in my heart, now broken to pieces. from this same pain though, art bled through.
i cannot stress the importance of utilizing some of the most tragic and awful pains of the heart, grief, loss, reection... you absolutely MUST channel this energy into artwork, creation of any kind. it is the true forge of beauty, subjective, twisted, and cruel.
together alone
will you take heed to this call? will you create now, for the sake of creating? will you then submit what awful scryings and grotesque elements you conure to the hidden layer compendium? you may know some underground revenance or something of a similar sort, but most importantly, you may well find some form of CLOSURE in the scratches, words, and scribbles that dot your own personal tragedy.
meaning is found in the most extreme emotional states. 'membrance is the same. i invite you to explore your darkest thougts, even if criminal, and please do show me when you do, so we can show the world this privy, prior known as something to be shouted about or swept under the dirty rug of modern comfort. everything is so surface these days. peel back your face and show me those dirty rotting teeth.
infection spread
watch in real-time as our digital plague consumes the remnants of the old world.