Hidden Layer Media

About Us

Hidden Layer Media is a collective dedicated to exploring the depths of underground fringe internet culture. Our digital magazine covers topics such as cryptography, alterhumanity, astral projection, probability, particle physics, hacking, social engineering, ARGs, worldbuilding, free speech, and the decentralization of the web. Certainly there will be more topics than just these listed, but for now I will just use the blanket label of "fringe". Hidden Layer Media is a truly Neutral moral entity, we do not necessarily endorse the beliefs of any of our affiliated artists, and even if we disagree with said belief, we believe it is still our duty and more importantly- 'fair'- for us to publish their work, if it falls under any of these categories. Naturally, we expect and look forward to as much controversy and macabre subject matter as possible.

We strive to push the boundaries of digital art and performance, mixing both with extreme realms of thought and philosophy, challenging conventional norms, and creating new narratives in the digital realm-while channeling our most unconventional and so-called "ugly" aspects of ourselves that one may typically want to shun or hide from the public view. Imagine this as a needle containing unadultured 'reality serum', and it is plunging not into your vein but into your neck's artery to deliver raw, unadulturated, and extreme fragments of qualia, the consequences of a world like we have here in the west.